C4/Central Carolina Cycling Club
Ride Type: Road
Welcome To Central Carolina Cycling Club. We are an open cycling club based in and around Concord/Kannapolis, NC. As a club we actively promote the sport of cycling in a positive light to our community, promote safe, responsible cycling and enjoy the fun atmosphere of group cycling.
HopFly Bike & Brew
Ride Type: Road
HopFly Cycling is part of Over the Edge Cycling Club - a charitable 501c3 organization that organizes cycling events that help raise awareness and money for important organizations like the National MS Society, Alzheimer's Association, and 24 Hours of Booty to name a few. Bike & Brew was a program started in Charlotte North Carolina. By hosting a weekly mini-event to help cyclists train - our sponsors are able to contribute to charity based on the number of riders that participated in the rides.
LUBE - Leisurely Urban Bicycle Explorations
Ride Type: Road, Urban
LUBE - Leisurely Urban Bicycle Explorations. Weekend rides, very easy pace, laid-back folks with a flip-flops and flannels vibe. We typically roll away from Moxie Mercantile / Common Market in Plaza Midwood, every Saturday morning, weather permitting. Exact times/dates announced during the week prior. Sometimes we have lunch / drinks afterwards or midway. We occasionally explore tangents spontaneously. Come ride!
Mojo Riding Cycling Team
Ride Type: Road
We are a team of serious recreational cyclists who enjoy fun, friendship, fitness and fundraising.
Team Lost Worlds
Ride Type: Road
Team Lost Worlds is a group of enthusiastic cyclists who care about others and how to give back to society. This is why we fundraise money for Bike MS through our charitable organization Cycling for a Casuse.
The Spoke Easy - Saturday Easy Ride
Ride Type: Urban
Can't always make it to our Wednesday rides? We got you! Come join us on a fun, casual ride where the whole family is invited, with no one being left behind. Each week we'll mix it up and have different ride leaders and interesting destinations, so stay tuned to see what we've got up our sleeve. We meet at the shop at 12:00 PM and the ride leaves at 12:30 PM. Rides will be roughly 8-10 miles with a chill party pace, and returning to the shop about 2:30 PM.
Bank City Bike Club
Ride Type: Road
Bank City Bike Club's Mission is to (1) promote a healthy lifestyle to our community (2) bring awareness to social justice issues (3) introduce and provide under-privileged youth in our community with the opportunity to participate in the recreational and competitive sport of cycling.
KRT QRT Charlotte, NC
Ride Type: Road
Website Facebook Instagram Strava
Every Monday - Motivational Mondayzz Traders Joe's Edition
Time: 6pm Location 1820 E. Arbor Dr. Charlotte, NC
Every Thursday - Thriving Training Thursday Reverse Airport
Time: 6pm Location: 8512 Steel Creek Road, Charlotte, NC
Every Saturday - Time Varies due to conditions
Check Club Team Strava
Matthews Cycling Club
Ride Type: Road
Matthews Cycling Club, formerly Mojo Cycles, is a group of a few dozen cyclists riding together through the low-traffic areas of Matthews and Indian Trail, typically at an advanced pace exceeding 19mph. Our club maintains three well-marked routes that are easy to follow. All rides start from the public parking area in Matthews.
Stanly County Cyclists
Ride Type: Road
OK, fellow cyclists. Here is our ride schedule for June and July. All rides are "no-drop" and start and end at the Stanly YMCA.
- View all
- 1 Monday
- 2 Tuesday
- 3 Wednesday
- 4 Thursday
- 5 Friday
- 6 Saturday
- 7 Sunday
- 8 Varies
In 4 Thursday